

Full Stack Developer

  Bangalore, Karnataka, India

A passionate aspiring Full Stack Developer skilled in MERN stack, and I love programming.I have interested in developning and building web application. Currently, I am fellow MERN Stack developer at masaischool and getting hands on experience on Full stack development. 

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   +91 831 014 6094
   Chandra6160    Chandrashekhara V

html 5








Loading the data just for you.


React Apps

When it comes to react apps
I have the strength of Atlas


I am the one who runs
the show


Making responsive Websites



This is a One week time project using React and Stack ecxhange API which is used to access all the get data of all the questions and answers.

Super Hero Batman

This is the First week Project in Masai School which is to create a Super Hero page for Batman using HTML and CSS(only using inline styles).


This is the Second week Project in Masai School which is to create a TypeWriter using HTML, CSS & Javascript.The project has a functionality called shift.

Bill Generator System

This is the Third week Project in Masai School which is to create a Bill Generator system using HTML, CSS & Javascript. The project is to add the items in the cart and to deduct the tax and discount from the cart.

Weather API

This is the Fourth week Project in Masai School which is to create a weather app using HTML, CSS, Javascript & a weather API. The details will be fetched from the json file.

Companies Database Using API and Sorting Algorithm

This is the Fifth week Project in Masai School which is to create a Companies database using HTML, CSS, Javascript, API and Sorting algorithm.

Companies Database Using API and REACT

This project is to get the details of the companies database from the json file using api and react.

Bill Generator Using Express & MongoDB

This is the Thirteenth Project in Masai School which is to create a Bill Generator system.

Train ticket Booking System Using React

This is the Fifteenth Project which is to create a Railway booking system using React and Python.